Inflammation, Pain Relief & the Immune System

Inflammation is what happens when the body’s immune systems   protect us from infection and alien substances like toxins, bacteria and viruses .  However , in auto immune diseases, the defense system inappropriately triggers an inflammatory response when there are no foreign substances to fight off and causes damage to its own cells   The immune system attacks healthy tissues as if they are  infected or somehow abnormal . When inflammation occurs , chemicals from the body’s white blood cells are released into the blood and/or afflicted tissues for the purpose of ridding the body of foreign toxins . These new chemicals increases the blood flow to the immediate area and can cause swelling, warmth and redness . Unfortunately , inflammation can stimulate nerves and result in a lot of pain.

Arthritis is a well known term that describes joint inflammation . Some, but not all, types of arthritis are the fallout from out of control inflammation.  Some types of inflammatory arthritis  include:rheumatoid arthritis, Shoulder tendinitis or bursitis and Gout .

While not all  need to be present , the basic symptoms of inflammation are swelling, redness, pain or stiffness in the joint and a decrease or loss in function   Also , Inflammation might also be associated with general “flu-like” signs including – fever, feeling chilled, tiredsness and a loss of energy, headaches, stiff muscles and a loss of appetite.

Although the original pain created by inflammation can seem lousy enough, the added cells and fluid – in the long term wearing down of cartilage (cushions at the end of bones) and joint lining.  Inflammation can also be a problem for organs.   The type of symptoms depends on which organs are inflamed .

  • An inflamed heart (myocarditis) may result in shortness of breath or swollen legs
  •  Inflammation of the narrow tubes that transport air to the lungs might set off an asthma attack
  • Inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis) may lead to elevated blood pressure or kidney failure
  • An inflamed large intestine (colitis) can lead to diarrhea and cramps .

Pain might not be the first symptom of the inflammatory disease , since many organs do not include a lot of pain-sensitive nerves.

There are several treatment alternatives for inflammation , but as a rule , the medical community will rely on prescription anti-inflammatories, pain medication, rest, exercise, and surgery to correct joint damage.

The objectives of treating inflammation are to:

  • Avoid or modify behaviors that aggravate pain
  • Relieve pain through analgesics (pain- relief medications ) and anti-inflammatory medications
  • Maintain joint mobility and muscle strength with physical therapy
  • Decrease stress on the joints with braces, splints or canes as necessary

What’s missing are any preventative ideas or self help steps designed to basically aid your body by boosting your antioxidant intake , making dietary improvements , reducing stress in your life and dealing with everyday toxins – because they truly are everywhere.  Antioxidants will help your body to overcome toxins and fight inflammation.

4 thoughts on “Inflammation, Pain Relief & the Immune System

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  4. Pingback: Active living » Inflammation, Agony Relief & The Exempt System

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