Discover the Power of Network Antioxidants for a Youthful Body

Together, these five network antioxidants provide a powerful defense against free radicals and help to keep our bodies youthful and healthy.

CoQ-10 is an essential part of the energy production process in every cell in our body. It works by converting food into energy that the cells can use for growth and repair. As we age, our levels of CoQ-10 naturally decline, which can lead to a decrease in energy production and an increase in oxidative stress. This is where supplementation with CoQ-10 can be beneficial. Research has shown that taking CoQ-10 supplements can improve cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation, and even help with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.

Vitamin E is another fat-soluble antioxidant that plays a crucial role in protecting our cells from damage caused by free radicals. It works by neutralizing lipid peroxyl radicals that attack cell membranes and cause them to break down. Vitamin E has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties as well as being beneficial for skin health.

Vitamin C is one of the most well-known water-soluble antioxidants. It plays a crucial role in boosting our immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells that fight infections and diseases. Vitamin C also helps protect against oxidative stress caused by pollution, stress, or unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

Glutathione is perhaps less well-known than some of the other antioxidants on this list but it is no less important. Glutathione acts as a detoxifier within the body by binding with toxins and heavy metals so they can be eliminated safely through urine or feces rather than causing damage within our cells. Glutathione levels decline naturally with age but there are ways to boost them through diet or supplementation.

Finally, Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is unique among this group because it is both fat-soluble AND water-soluble which means it can work throughout every cell in the body. ALA helps to regenerate other antioxidants within the body such as Vitamin C and Glutathione which means they can continue to do their job of neutralizing free radicals for longer.

So how can you get more of these network antioxidants into your diet? The answer is through a variety of foods and supplements. Some of the best food sources for CoQ-10 include fatty fish such as salmon or mackerel, organ meats like liver or kidney, and nuts and seeds like peanuts or sesame seeds. Vitamin E is found in high amounts in nuts and seeds such as almonds, sunflower seeds, and hazelnuts as well as leafy greens like spinach or kale.

Vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, or grapefruit but also in other fruits such as kiwi fruit, strawberries, papaya, and pineapple. Glutathione can be found naturally in foods such as avocados, broccoli, garlic bulbs but it’s also available through supplementation using precursors that boost its production within your body.

Supplementation is another effective way to ensure you are getting enough network antioxidants into your diet. A daily multivitamin supplement that includes vitamins E & C along with CoQ-10 would be a good place to start if you’re concerned about your antioxidant levels. There are also specific supplements available that contain higher doses of each individual antioxidant if you have a particular health concern that requires targeted support.

In conclusion: our bodies need network antioxidants to keep us healthy both inside and out; by eating a varied diet rich in colorful fruits & vegetables along with lean protein sources we will provide all the necessary nutrients needed for our body’s unique defense mechanisms against oxidative stress caused by free radicals over time; however there may still be gaps we need filling via supplements depending on age/lifestyle factors – always consult with a qualified professional before making any changes!

Acai- So, What’s the Story?

Acai is a Portuguese name for a kind of palm tree that is Indigenous to Important and South America. It commonly grows in Brazil and Peru, in swampy areas and floodplains. Scientifically the place is referred to as Euterpe oleracea. The Portuguese name means a plant that cries or expels water. In the latest times, the plant has become very famed especially for its fruit; which is small, round and black-purple in color. This acai fruit is used by the natives in the Brazilian Amazon as food. It is also served as a pulp and a beverage.

Globally, the curiosity in acai has been mainly because of its dietary content material, anti-oxidant skills and of course the use as a weight loss option. The dietary written content of the fruit is made up of proteins, carbohydrates, fat, dietary fiber, nutritional vitamins and low sugar value amongst others. In the market, the acai is sold as a dietary supplement, with celebrities like Oprah Winfrey promoting it through Dr. Oz. Acai is just one of the antioxidant foods in AIO – Premium Cellular Health

Acai is believed to have antioxidant qualities. Some research have shown that it has polyphenol and anti-oxidant anthocyanins, some nutritional vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, phytochemicals and minerals. These de-oxidizings are believed to have disorder-prevention skills, thus supporting the immune system of individuals who take this antioxidant food. It has flavanoids that are responsible for countering diseases such as heart sicknesss. Extracts of acai are believed to have an impact against peroxyl, peroxynitrite and hydroxyl radicals. Scientists have shown a link between damage of the free radicals and chronic disorders such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, cataracts, Alzheimer’s ailment amongst others.
The dense dietary valuAcai berry diet reviewse of the acai is also shown to suppress one’s appetite, hence the use as a weight loss option. It helps the libido, reduces inflammation and is believed to enhance stamina and power as well as delay getting older

Boost Your Your Networking Antioxidants for Better Health

Antioxidants are our body’s main defense against the harm brought about by free radicals which contribute to many chronic inflammatory and degenerative problems. They are the root cause of premature aging. Among all the antioxidants, a team of five are acknowledged as Network Antioxidants. This team of both water and fat soluble antioxidants work together to support your cells and operate together to help each other.

When an antioxidant passes an electron to repair a free radical, it actually becomes one, but a benign free radical without the potential to perpetuate the chain reaction. Unfortunately, when they become oxidized, they’re also not able to function effectively. But, what is unique about the network antioxidants is that they have the ability to help to regenerate each other and continue the cycle of searching out and repairing free radicals.

Even though they operate together, the network antioxidants fulfill distinct roles. The fat soluble ones, specifically CoQ-10 and Vitamin E protect the fatty cell membrane and the cell mitochondria, while the water soluble antioxidants, Vitamin C and Glutathione protect the center of the cell. ALA – Alpha Lipoic Acid is unique in that it is both fat and water soluble.

Vitamin C is the link which bridges the fat soluble and water soluble antioxidants in the network and is mainly responsible for rejuvenating Vitamin E when it becomes oxidized.

Vitamin E is closely connected with heart attack prevention, being the only antioxidant that can reach fatty elements of the cell that are not reachable to the rest of the network. It’s truly not a single compound but is instead a collection of fat soluble alcohols. can buy the supplement COQ10 which is usually found in all your cells, where it is concentrated in the mitochondria, the component of your cell that creates energy. Mitochondria are vulnerable to free radical injury which has been connected to a loss of energy as we age. Additionally, CoQ-10 works in the regeneration of Vitamins C, E and Glutathione

Glutathione, properly regarded as the Body’s Master antioxidant is continually circulating through your cells, revitalizing your immune cells and cleansing cellular waste from your body. It supports the rejuvenation of all of the other network antioxidants. Raising your glutathione levels helps protect you from various inflammatory conditions, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma and others.

ALA is unique amongst the Network Antioxidants in that it is both water and fat soluable and can benefit both the fatty membrane and water based interior of the cells. It is also uniquely capable of repairing itself and importantly can regenerate the other network antioxidants including glutathione. It helps to avert muscle damage during vigorous workouts.

Like glutathione and CoEnzyme Q-10, ALA is made by your body, but the production capacity falls off appreciably as we age

Why are So Many People Overweight?

Overweight and obesity is rising at a terrible rate all over the globe, particularly in advanced countries like the U.S.. In October 2002, information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that 31% of grown ups in the USA were considered seriously overweight in the year 2000 compared to 14.4% in 1980.
In addition to that, around 15percent of youngsters and teenagers were overweight in 2000 – triple what the number was in 1980.

Definition of overweight and obese
The frequent definition for being called overweight or obese may possibly not make much sense to most individuals. Obesity ishaving a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 30. Overweight is having a BMI of 25–29.9. So, what is BMI exactly?

BMI is a measure of body fat based on your height and weight. It is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared.To make it easier, use this online BMI calculator:

In 2001, the U.S. Surgeon General warned that weight problems might soon kill more People in america than tobacco smoke. Understand this: With all of the improvements we have made in cleanliness, nutrition and controlling diseases, this generation will be the first in American documented history with a smaller life expectancy than their parents. We are killing ourselves and our youngsters with the habits that have made us obese.

What’s created this fat epidemic?
Why so many big and extensive changes in weight problems? Data compiled from around the earth show that distinct environmental and cultural conditions add to obesity in City and rural populations.
Experts believe that increasing rates of weight problems among young and old may be attributed to a mix of this list:

watching Tv
working with a computer
Driving long distances (for example, commuting)
Working long hours at inactive jobs
Conveniences which lower physical activity (like “drive-through” banking)
Lack of protected playgrounds for children
elevated consumption of pop and other “business-driven” factors that motivate overeating, like:
Larger portion sizes in restaurants
Increased sizes of individual food items (such as soft drinks, candy bars, bagels)
Increased prevalence of vending machines
Huge number of inadequate food choices
Agressive promoting of high-calorie foods
Advertising methods that encourage ordering bigger serving sizes
Emotional overeating, brought on by increased stress
Repeated dieting
Greater acceptance of obesity in selected cultural groups

Although many complicated cultural and environmental factors contribute to the weight problems trend, in most cases, the equation is simple: too many calories eaten and not enough calories expended (too little activity) is a recipe for obesity.

The obesity epidemic is just one of the many health problems we face with aging. Another problem is that our diets are lacking in antioxidant foods and our declining levels of glutathione – the Master Antioxidant leave us more vulnerable to free radical damage.

AA – Ascorbic Acid and Vitamin C

Everybody has heard of vitamin C a.k.a.ascorbic acid (AA) also dehydroascorbic DHAA in its oxidized form. Basically, vitamin C is pretty much a catch all name for all compounds that show the same biologic activity as Ascorbic acid . It’s importance was originally recognized in 1747 when James Lind identified that men could be cured of scurvy if offered oranges and lemons. It was a lifesaving discovery for sailors and the expression Limey’s was swiftly adopted referring to the sailors in His Majesty’s Royal Navy.

Vitamin C is the most important and available water soluable antioxidant within your body . Its water solubility means that it can quench free radicals before they make it to the cellular shell. The relationship between Ascorbic Acid and glutathione- the body’s master antioxidant is unique. Vitamin C reduces glutathione back to the active form. Once reduced, glutathione will revitalize vitamin C from its DHAA or oxidized state. This why there is Vitamin C in Dr Kellers Glutathione Formula C is vital for the production of collagen. It is also important in the development of norepinephrine and serotonin. Ascorbic Acid may also have some anticlotting and blood flow improvement components by triggering the release within the body of Nitric Oxide, which is the most likely reason that Vitamin C is also a major ingredient in Pro-Argi-9Plus

Vitamin C is held in both the tissues and blood in our bodies. The adrenal and pituitary glands, and lens of the eye contain the highest concentrations of vitamin C inside of the body. It is one of the thirteen essential vitamins. Although the name “Essential” is often confused. What it really means is that an essential vitamin is one that can only come from our food since we cannot manufacture it within the body.

Alpha Lipoic Acid – Worth Reading

Available in each cell of your body – very much like glutatione – alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is an antioxidant that helps your cells transform glucose into energy. Different from antioxidants like Vitamin C which can exclusively work in water or vitamin E which only works in fat , ALA functions in both water and fat. It functions everywhere in your body. Like other antioxidants, ALA helps clear free radicals -metabolic waste – from your cells before they become junked up and toxic from a build up of waste. As opposed to many other antioxidants, ALA has the ability to help to revive other antioxidants after they have cleared out the odd electrons and renders them ready to continue to neutralize more free radicals.

ALA is also used as a short form for Alpha Linolenic Acid which is an omega-3 fatty acid, connected with heart health, but this is a different substance from Alpha lipoic acid – also referred to as Lipoic Acid.
Several studies have indicated that ALA may be able to help reduce levels of blood sugar and combined with it’s antioxidant properties, ALA could possibly be beneficial to people suffering from diabetic peripheral neuropathy, relieving some of the discomfort brought about by nerve damage.

Scientists are studying alpha lipoic acid to determine its effectiveness against glaucoma although they are yet to collect enough data, but because it can pass easily to the brain, it is possible that ALA may well be useful as a protector against brain and nerve tissue damage. It is now being studied as a possible treatment for stroke and other brain problems with root causes based on free radical damage. Dementia is one such condition.

ALA is an ingredient in Cellgevity where it contributes to the regeneration of the network antioxidants and supports the glutathione network.

Why Antioxidants Should Not Be 100% Effective

About the the most challenging concepts to fully grasp about health and the way the human body works, is that everything has a reason and although some things like reactive oxygen species can be harmful, they are also absolutely necessary.

The trouble lies in how our lives and our environment have evolved much faster than we can keep pace with. Consider something as basic as the consumption of grains. You know, grains like corn, rice and wheat? I thought that we were designed to eat them, but that’s not the situation. Our cells and basic digestive needs haven’t advanced since our cavemen – hunter/gatherer roots and hunter gatherers did not grow wheat. Although we’ve been relying on bread for centuries, there are quite a few scientists and nutritionists who will say that truly -those foods don’t fit with our design.

So, if we haven’t evolved enough to eat the plants we’ve been farming for thousands of years, just ponder how our bodies (at a cellular level) are reacting to factors like cigarrette smoke, alcohol, smog, drugs and the chemicals that are included in our foods.

The answer is”Not at all”

Now look at free radicals which are also called ROS or Reactive Oxygen Species – ages before we had so many new external sources of reactive oxygen species, they were produced by our bodies as a normal byproduct of our metabolic and immune processes AND we had the native ability to preserve control of them. That has altered and for a lot of people it’s very important to take in antioxidants to control free radicals that our lifestyles have inflicted on our bodies. That’s one reason for all the talk about antioxidants, but there is actually another factor to think about. Another point of view is that although ROS can be highly toxic, redox reactions are also part of the basic chemical process of life. Lately, it has become increasingly evident that ROS/redox molecules also play a role in the regulation of many intracellular communication pathways that are essential for normal cell growth and immune reactions that are essential for our defense.

One example is Nitric Oxide which performs a function in nerve and vascularnerve and vascular function and regulation of the immune responses. Another even more stunning example is that ASEA, which contains millions of redox signaling molecules can increase the effectiveness of your body’s antioxidants by over 500%

ROS are an essential component of many metabolic pathways; they fuel the fire of basic energy productions. Our bodies have had to evolve complex processes to live with these reactive molecules and seem also to have evolved to use the reactive nature of these molecules for intracellular communication. Thus, a key concept in dealing with redox reactions must be to regulate but not eradicate, for turning off production of ROS is tantamount to turning off the engine that powers us.

Have You Heard of Alma Fruit and AIO?

Alma fruit, much better known as the Indian Gooseberry is a sour, bitter, astringent and stringy fruit.  It is found on a tree capable of reaching up to eighteen meters with spreading branches and a Curved trunk. Given it’s taste , it’s challenging to understand why any person would eat it, but amla is basically quite outstanding.

In early research, the Phyllanthus emblica has shown both antiviral and anti microbial attributes.  There is additional proof from analysis that extracts of amla fruit can induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in some bone cells which are directly connected with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis.

As recently as 2011, a study found that treatment with the Amla Fruit decreased the seriousness of acute pancreatitis and also created  spontaneous repair and regeneration of the pancreas immediately after an severe occurance.  In a different recent study with diabetic rats, an amla fruit extract developed a significant reduction of the blood glucose and triglyceridemic amounts and at the same time improved liver function by normalizing the activity of a liver-specific enzyme.

Amla fruit is additionally being examined as an anti cancer agent and a sampling of test preparations made using diverse parts of the tree – including the fruit- have demonstrated some possibilities against laboratory versions of inflammation, diabetes, a few types of age related kidney disease and some cancers.  It has been demonstrated to avoid cataracts in diabetic patients. In a Japanese study amla fruit extracts prevented the formation of cancerous cells, especially cells from the skin, womb and stomach .

The Indian Gooseberry has been demonstrated to reduce blood cholesterol counts in men and in India, where the Amla Fruit is found, it’s used by natural healers to manage untimely hair loss. A impressive antioxidant, Amla has a higher density of tannins.

On top of its other regarded anti inflammatory properties, The Indian Gooseberry has been discovered as effective against hay fever and can minimize joint inflammation.  And if that isn’t sufficient, it can be a helpful stress reducer- improving sleep, relaxing muscles and in general exerting a relaxing effect.

Amla with it’s possible anti-cancer properties is only one of the fruits used to make AIO Premium Cellular Health.  This potent antioxidant is only one of many antioxidant rich foods in this exceptional antioxidant drink.

If you are looking for vitamins for hair loss, amla is worth checking into.

Why Your Heart Demands Antioxidants

It’s your ” Little Engine That Could”. And it does, everyday of you life.Your heart is truly a wonderous design .  Even before your birth , the muscles in your heart are working hard , pumping oxygen enriched blood to each part in you and returnin oxygen depleted blood back into the lungs.  On average, a heart will beat 37,869,120 times each year , year after year.  That’s around two and a half billion heartbeats for your lifetime .

Obviously , the heart is a powerhouse and needs to be looked after. As you already know , no one can survive without a beating heart and indeed, with an average of two deaths a minute ,  40% of all the deaths in the U.S.) are caused by heart disease, the leading cause of which is CAD- Coronary Artery Disease

Since it’s the hardest working organ in the body, the heart muscles will produce a continuous supply    of energy and it’s this massive level of energy production which renders the heart vulnerable to the problem of free radicals. Hence , a heart has a high requirement for antioxidants, the most valuable of which is Glutathione.

The Heart’s Energy Factory

Your heart’s extraordinary ability to produce energy is found inside each cell in the cellular power plants called Mitochondria.  Each cell in every organ has these tiny energy producing sites .  On average, most cells have a few hundred mitochondria, but the cells in your heart have about 5,000! The power that’s produced in the cells, is created as a substance known as ATP or adenosine triphosphate.  But , energy production has a price .

The by- products of creating energy are damaged molecules – free radicals and with so many mitochondria in the cells of the heart , there will also be a matching population of oxy-radicals . Without the intervention of antioxidants , free radicals will develop a cascading reaction within the heart cells that will kill them and their components – including the cellular DNA.

Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Disease

Arteriosclerosis – Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) which is commonly called hardening of the arteries or loss of arterial elasticity is one of the main causes of Heart disease. It has been linked to something known as lipid peroxidase. That’s what happens when the lipids in your heart are converted into free radicals.  Lipids, actually are a large group of molecules that include waxes, sterols, fats and the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E & K.  In addition to   elevated levels of Free radicals, patients with CAD also have reduced levels of antioxidants including Glutathione.  Without a sufficient reserve of antioxidants to clean out free radicals in the heart, it and its arteries will eventually suffer from oxidative stress.

Human bodies have originally been designed to manage free radicals created by normal processes, however most of us are subject to extra stressors that weren’t part of the original plan . They include environmental poisons ( like tobacco smoke!), poor diets, the hectic pace and induced stress of everyday living and poor conditioning of our muscles from a lack of exercise.  We have put our antioxidant reserves at a dangerous disadvantage.

Why You Need More  Glutathione and Other Antioxidants

As we age , our systems naturally begin to slow down. The mitochondria in our cells inevitably produce less energy and we also naturally begin to produce less glutathione – which is necessary for a healthy heart.  Boosting glutathione supply will not make us live forever, but given how hard your heart works , it must make sense to  eat better ,  live a healthier lifestyle and make a choice  to boost our supply of glutathione.

Oral Glutathione supplements are not effective, but you can increase your glutathione with a glutathione precursor like Cellgevity.

the Benefits of Resveratrol

Resveratrol an imporant ingredient in AIO Premium Cellular Health can be referred to as substance which is by natural means created by many plant life as part of the organic defenses–to safeguard theirselves from the outcomes related with inadequate growing circumstances, extreme climatic ailments as well as assaults from bugs and disease. Resveratrol continues to be identified of possessing highly effective antioxidant action within animals. For it’s anitoxidant benefits, Resveratrol is included in AIO Premium Cellular Health.

Several tests demonstrating the advantages to well becoming from reasonable dark wine consumption started the study on the benefits of resveratrol about ten years back. Red wine is different from light wines in that it’s fermented using the the grape containing resveratrol cases found throughout fermentation. The fermentation procedure contains the resveratrol in the accomplished red wine.

Current research on animals show resveratrol to be able to significantly strengthen expected life, boost stamina, and imitate the medical advantages of a calorie limited eating plan. Also, resveratrol continues to be demonstrated to be an effective antioxidant that can help reduce redness, and coronary heart disease. In a nutshell, resveratrol continues to be proved to be quite possibly very valuable!

Resveratrol helps maintain glucose levels and increase insulin sensitivity. This tends to make it an anti-diabetic compound found naturally. This could possibly help reduce dependencies on medications for some.

Many research have found it to increase testosterone manufacturing. For athletes this a natural and healthy advantage in muscle gain. By increasing the body’s own production of testosterone muscle strength, mass, and recovery from physical exercise is increased.

Resveratrol can be used in pill form in which it has a seventy % absorption rate. This is much higher than many vitamins and mineral deposits. research have found used with meals helps it bypass the intestinal intake of it. This means consuming when taking Resveratrol will increase complete assimilation. It is suggested to take it at minimum three times a day and at the very least in two-hundred and 50 milligram doses.