Camu-Camu – Antioxidant food and Vitamin C Source

Are you looking for superior antioxidant foods?

In the flood plains of the Amazon between Peru and Brazil lives a bushy tree – Myrciaria dubia- usually called Camu-Camu.  After the fragrant , waxy white flowers drop it develops small purple-red colored fruit that looks similar to a cherry. Among herbalists , camu-camu is valued for its astringent, antioxidant , antiviral, anti-inflammatory , analgesic and emollient and nutritional characteristics and additionally is a source of phosphorus, protein , niacin, iron , thiamin riboflavin , calcium, beta-carotene , and three   amino acids. It’s an abundant source of flavinoids.

People who take Camu-camu because of  its vitamin C know that only 1-2 grams of this naturally present vitamin C is a superior immune system strengthener than large doses of commercially available synthetic vitamin C . Camu-camu is around two to three percent Vitamin C by fresh weight, which is an unusually high concentration and testifies to Camu-camu’s value as an antioxidant food .  And  antioxidants are vital for my 2 other favorite “antis” antiaging and anti-inflammatories .

Camu-camu is now being studied to assess its emotion balancing properties . As published in the Clinician’s Handbook of Natural Healing (1998) by Gary Null, Ph.D. this fruit is second in terms of the potency of the chemical compounds it contains for its mood balancing properties. While the connection has not been thoroughly researched , it seems that Camu-camu might offer nutritional help for your brain’s natural production of mood balancing compounds .  Additionally, research has been released linking vitamin C and a higher level of serotonin.

Dr Mike Adams, (who’s called the Health Ranger) said this about Camu-Camu:
“I’ll tell you a secret about camu. It’s the highest natural source of vitamin C in the world. And it’s not just one isolated chemical (ascorbic acid), it’s the full symphony of protective antioxidants. My research on this herb , based in part of the works of Dr. James Duke, leads me to the conclusion that camu-camu crosses the blood-brain barrier and offers extraordinary protection to the nervous system. There is no question in my mind that this product can drastically reduce eye disorders, including macular degeneration, as well as protect the brain and nervous system from degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.”

Camu-camu is just one of the natural antioxidant foods found in AIO- Premium Cellular Health

Improve your digestion with enzymes

Those of us who are familiar with and always aware of the importance of digestive enzymes sometimes forget that enzymes are necessary for more than fodd processing . In fact , in the absence of enzymes there would be no chemical reactions anywhere in our body, because enzymes represent the potential labor force your body can draw from to fire up every necessary chemical reaction. Without enzymes there is no life .

But food digestion uses a large investment of energy from your body in terms of enzyme capacity . Since we only have a certain enzyme potential when we’re born and it needs to last our entire life, it only makes sense to manage our capacity to manufacture enzymes and supplement when possible . One of the reasons that supplementing is necessary, is because our cooked diet is responsible for robbing us of the enzyme activity we would gain from a diet of raw food . (And if you can understand how we are shortchanged of our natural enzyme sources from our diets of cooked food, just think of the implications  for your dogs and cats !)

To supply our saliva and pancreatic, gastric and intestinal juices with the myriad of enzymes needed to process our intake of cooked food, our bodies need to steal from the provision of enzymes to our heart, brain , lungs, kidneys , muscles and other tissues and organs . According to food enzyme researcher, Dr. Edward Howell, that trade off between our digestive tract and the other organ systems in our bodies might directly contribute to the development of a few different chronic and incurable diseases .

In short , in the words of this physician , who has spent more than 40 years treating ongoing ailments  -the depletion of our enzyme “bank “, which is the direct result of our diets dominated by cooked – “enzyme dead” food, is a leading cause of premature aging and early death.

Since few of us will  move totally to a diet of raw foods , there are 2 simple steps that we can try to  address this problem .  The first is to make a conscious effort to eat more raw, vegetables and fruits replacing some of our cooked foods with simpler fare – like grains, fruits and vegetables.

Another idea – that’s also simple is to start supplementing  with quality digestive enzymes .  Maximizer, which is a product available from RGarden is a multi-enzyme supplement.  For people with problems like stomach ulcers, an even better choice is Gamma-Zyme another multi enzyme supplement that does not contain Protease ( for proteins) which can upset some stomachs.

Vitamins E & D3, Alma Fruit,Glutathione – Immune System Boosters

As is the case most other things your immune responses weaken with age ,so you might want to think about taking natural immune boosters that can support this important function .

One such supplement is Vitamin E.  Based on some research from the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, found at Tufts University in Boston , Vitamin E may prevent part of the immune system from declining with age .  The research ran with seventy eight healthy seniors , aged sixty-five plus and it found that 200 mg of Vitamin E every day for a period of 4 months triggered more antibody production in response to tetanus and hepatitis B vaccines .

Vitamin E can support the immune response by initiating extra production of our killer cells that destroy germs and cancerous cells. In addition to that , your B-cells,  the immune cells that create bacteria killing antibodies are stimulated in the presence of Vitamin E.  Another interesting thng – in a study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health using Vitamin E supplements was shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks by 50% .

Vitamin D3 the one made in skin after exposure to the suns ultraviolet light is also an immune system booster .

A new natural health product with immune system boosters called AIO- Premium Cellular Health also has Alma fruit – which I had never heard of until now .  Alma fruit, or the Indian gooseberry is also an exceptional source of Vitamin C with 30 times as much as you’ll find in oranges.  Alma fruit grows naturally in plains and mountain areas of the Indian Subcontinent and grows anywhere from Afghanistan to Burma .

Ongoing research is showing that Alma fruit could help to treat and/or avoid problems like stress, cataracts , hay fever, arthritis and even cancer.  It’s no surprise that the Indian and Tibetan healers consider it to have special immune enhancing and anti-aging properties .

Japanese researchers at Nagasaki University found that extracts from alma fruit prevent the growth of cancerous cells, with the cells in the uterous, stomach and skin showing the most pronounced effect.  Alma fruit is a very concentrated source of antioxidants. The active immune booster found in Alma is called phyllemblin and it stimulates an increased creation of immune cells.

Each body comes with lots of antioxidant based defensive abilities , but inside cells a little protein called glutathione is critical . Glutathione is needed for the proper functioning of immune cells, to defend us from bacterial and viral infections. Among those with immune deficiency, glutathione concentrations are shown to be very low in blood and immune cells. When they can supplement glutathione levels to those found in healthy humans is likely to help immune deficient patients .

Free Radicals are not Political

The older you get, the more you should care about the Free Radical Theory of Aging . If you’ve never heard of free radicals, I can assure you that they are not politically motivated, but are quite distructive never the less. Free radicals  are unstable or damaged molecules that will steal an electron from another nearby molecule in order to restablize themselves. But, when they do that they make a new unstable molecule and the cycle repeats – creating a chain reaction that damages the organ systems in your body as deep as the cellular level.

Just check out the wrinkles on a 50+ sunbather if you doubt the impact of cellular damage on aging . with the skin we can see a visible change . We cannot see the brain, liver or heart .  But arteries get stopped – with cellular junk – and joints turn swollen with chronic inflammation- which is directly caused by free radicals.

But at least there is some help. Antioxidants are nature’s answer to free radicals . Antioxidants are molecules that are capable of donating an electron to a free radical without becoming unstable themselves. They halt the chain reaction and prevent the damage.

But,  where do free radicals come from ? There are two main sources of free radicals – one source is the outside environment – think of pollution and cigarette smoke and all the chemicals and toxins we regularly ingest . The other source of free radicals is us .   There are four separate ways that our bodies make free radicals – oxidants.

Daily metabolism – I’ll keep the long scientific words out of this account because they’re just too hard to spell. But let’s just say that our body, uses oxygen as fuel and converts it to water. In the process, the oxygen molecule is not completely and cleanly utilised. There are by-products called oxy-radicals- our own version of nuclear waste- So that’s one – huge source of free radicals.

Oxidants are not all bad, we use them to fight chronic infections, bacteria and parasites. Unfortunately, nearby cells are exposed to free radical damage . Too bad that we can get burned when we fight fire with fire . We also produce hydrogen peroxide- another free radical version of oxygen – when we metabolize some fatty acids.

These processes go on every day and are happening in millions of cells at once . It’s not surprising that antioxidant supplements are so popular and a great piece of news that our body also produces some superb antioxidants like glutathione and CoEnzymeQ10 to help us deal with them.

In a final irony , an enzyme called cytochrome P450 is used by our bodies to defend against toxins like drugs, other foreign chemicals and pesticides. In the process of creating this enzyme, our body will also produce free radicals. In a way, this makes the external toxins doubly damaging.

If you’re interested in helping your body combat the aging effects of free radicals, you need to support your supply of antioxidants. Some antioxidants, like Vitamins C and E can be supplemented and unquestionably a healthy diet is very important. Other antioxidants like Glutathione cannot be supplied as an oral  supplement although you can provide your body with the precursors -raw materials- to produce it yourself. One such product is Cellgevity, the Glutathione precursor from Max International.

Cellgevity – More than and Antioxidant Supplement

the Most health conscious people pay attention to antioxidants and buy antioxidant supplements for one easy reason. they don’t want to feel any older than they have to and choose to enjoy what antioxidants can do for their health . Often though, they might not do everything they want .

What’s the scoop with antioxidants

Antioxidants are the opposite of free radicals. To understand antioxidants , you need to understand how free radicals- rogue electrons- can hurt your health.

Your body is a complex system. It’s a bunch of organs, like your liver and kidneys and your brain , that each does a certain job . Each must perform their role for you to be truly healthy. Your organs are living tissue, composed of countless cells made up of molecules and their component atoms, each with their proper count of electrons. Atoms are tied together into molecules by sharing electrons , but they can become damaged and drop an electron. This produces a free radical and the atom missing an electron will “steal ” it from the closest source , which creates in its turn another unstable atom. What you end up with is a chain reaction that if left on its own , will hurt the cells within the organ tissue and will sooner or later damage the organ.

An antioxidant is a molecule that is able to donate an electron to stabilize a free radical . An antioxidant molecule will not morph into a free radical itself because it will either stay stable with the missing electron or it will be too weak to steal an electron from another atom. The chain reaction is halted . What’s important to understand – to appreciate the scale- is that, according to a well known scientist who studies antioxidants – by the name of Bruce Ames – a cell in your body will be attacked up to 10,000 times in a single day by free radicals. And there are trillions of cells in our bodies.

This onrush by free radicals contributes to (and some will say primarily causes) many of the acute and chronic diseases that we associate with aging. Alzheimers disease, acute and chronic inflammation, coronary disease, cancer, type II diabetes, Parkinsons disease, rheumatoid arthritis and some types of dementia can all be traced back to free radical damage. And thats not the total list.

I believe that it’s actually important to reduce your own production of free radicals, increase your antioxidants and making a decision to purchase antioxidant supplements is one thing you can consider . But it isn’t the whole picture. You should also:

1- Smarten up . It’s difficult to fix the damage when you’re still causing it, so this would be a good time to slow your production of free radicals and there are tons of things you can do to help. You can avoid smoking and smokey rooms , water and air pollution, junk food , substance abuse and even too much exercise.

2- Watch your diet . Eat morefruit and vegetables . Which ones? This list is long but think green foods and think blue foods. Think raw and fresh.

3- Buy antioxidants and antioxidant supplements. Supplements like Vitamins C and E, Resveratrol and Cordyceps are first-class examples of antioxidants supplements that are easy to buy . Do your homework because sources, quality and usability will vary widely, but you can add them as part of your plan.

4- Glutathione is the body’s Master Antioxidant, but not effective as an oral supplement . Oral glutathione supplements apparently won’t survive the digestive system to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Instead you can opt for a Glutathione precursor like Cellgevity. You can also help to support your body’s production of Glutathione by eating more asparagus and broccoli.

Glutathione is Regenerated by Vitamin C

Fruits rich in vitamin CVitamin C is the most important and available water soluable antioxidant within the human body. Actually, vitamin C is almost a generic name for all compounds that exhibit the same biologic activity as AA. The fact that it is water soluable means that it can neutralize free radicals before the reach the cellular membrane. It’s importance was first recognized in 1747 when James Lind found that men could be cured of scurvy when given oranges and lemons. It was a lifesaving discovery.

The relationship between glutathione- the body’s master antioxidant and vitamin C is unique. Vitamin C converts glutathione back to the active form so that it may continue neutralizing free radicals and supporting cellular health. Once reduced, glutathione will regenerate vitamin C from its DHAA or oxidized state. This is one of the reasons that Vitamin C is an ingredient in Cellgevity– the newest glutathione precursor from Max International.

Vitamin C is stored in both the tissues and blood in our bodies. The adrenal and pituitary glands, and lens of the eye contain the highest concentrations of vitamin C within the body. It is one of the 13 essential vitamins although the term “Essential” is often misunderstood. What it actually means is that an essential vitamin is one that must be provided by our diet since we cannot manufacture it within the body.

Vitamin C is important for the production of collagen. It is also important in the formation of norepinephrine and serotonin. Ascorbic Acid may also have some anticlotting and blood flow improvement properties by stimulating the release within the body of Nitric Oxide, which is the most likely reason that Vitamin C is also an important ingredient in the supplement Pro-Argi9-Plus

Five Network AntiOxidants

Human cell and network antioxidantsAntioxidants are our body’s most important defense against the damage triggered by free radicals which contribute to many chronic inflammatory and degenerative ailments. Free radicals are the underlying cause of premature aging. Of all the antioxidants, a family of five are acknowledged as Network Antioxidants. This team of both fat and water soluble antioxidants work together to assist your cells and function together to support each other.

When an antioxidant contributes an electron to clean a free radical, it actually becomes one, but a benign free radical without the ability to carry on the chain reaction.  Unfortunately, when they become oxidized, they’re also not able to operate effectively.  But, what is special about the network antioxidants is that are able to help to regenerate each other and carry on the routine of searching out and repairing free radicals.

Even though they function together, the network antioxidants fulfill distinct jobs.  The fat soluble ones, namely Vitamin E and CoQ-10 protect the fatty cell membrane and the cell mitochondria, while the water soluble antioxidants, Glutathione and Vitamin C protect the nucleus of the cell. ALA – Alpha Lipoic Acid is unique in that it is both fat and water soluble.

Vitamin C is the link which connects the fat soluble and water soluble antioxidants in the network and is largely responsible for rejuvenating Vitamin E when it becomes oxidized.

Vitamin E is closely connected with heart attack prevention, because it’s the only antioxidant that can reach fatty portions of the cell that are not accessible to the rest of the network.  It’s basically not a single compound but is instead a family of fat soluble alcohols.

CoQ-10 or CoEnzyme Q-10 is found in all your cells, where it is concentrated in the mitochondria,  the part of your cell that generates energy. Mitochondria are susceptible to free radical injury which has been evidenced as a loss of energy as we age. Additionally, CoQ-10 works in the regeneration of Vitamins E, C and Glutathione

Glutathione, very well regarded as the Body’s Master antioxidant is continuously circulating through your cells, repairing your immune cells and cleaning cellular waste from your body. It supports the rejuvenation of all of the remaining network antioxidants. Increasing your glutathione levels helps protect you from several inflammatory conditions, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma and others.

Alpha Lipoic Acid is unique amongst the Network Antioxidants in that it is both fat and water soluable and can support both the fatty membrane and water based interior of your cells.  It is also uniquely capable of repairing itself and also can regenerate the other network antioxidants including glutathione. It helps to avoid muscle damage during strenuous workouts.

Like glutathione and CoEnzyme Q-10, ALA is made by your body, but the production capacity falls off significantly as we age.

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) in Cellgevity

Diagram of ALA MoleculeAvailable in each cell of your body – just  like glutatione – alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is an antioxidant that supports your cells work to convert glucose into energy.  Different from  antioxidants like Vitamin E which can only work in fat or vitamin C which only works in water , ALA functions or more correctly is soluable in both fat and water,  so it works anywhere in your body. Similar to other antioxidants, ALA works to remove free radicals – a.k.a. metabolic waste – from the cells before they are damaged by a build up of waste and toxins.  But, , Alpha lipoic Acid can help to regenerate other antioxidants once they have neutralized free radicals and through the regeneration process render them fit to continue to function as antioxidants again.

ALA is also used as an abbreviation for Alpha Linolenic Acid which is an omega-3 fatty acid, connected with heart health, but this is a different substance from Alpha lipoic acid – also referred to as Lipoic Acid.

Several research studies have indicated that ALA may help to reduce levels of blood sugar and combined with it’s antioxidant properties, ALA could aid  people suffering from diabetic peripheral neuropathy, relieving some of the discomfort and pain created by nerve damage.

Researchers also are looking at  alpha lipoic acid to measure its effectiveness against glaucoma although they are yet to collect enough data, but because it can pass easily to the brain, ALA might be useful as a protector against nerve and brain tissue damage. I’ts being studied as a potential  treatment for stroke and other brain problems with root causes based on free radical damage. Dementia is one such condition.

ALA is an ingredient in Cellgevity where it contributes to the regeneration of the network antioxidants and supports the glutathione network.