Discover the Power of Network Antioxidants for a Youthful Body

Together, these five network antioxidants provide a powerful defense against free radicals and help to keep our bodies youthful and healthy.

CoQ-10 is an essential part of the energy production process in every cell in our body. It works by converting food into energy that the cells can use for growth and repair. As we age, our levels of CoQ-10 naturally decline, which can lead to a decrease in energy production and an increase in oxidative stress. This is where supplementation with CoQ-10 can be beneficial. Research has shown that taking CoQ-10 supplements can improve cardiovascular health, reduce inflammation, and even help with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.

Vitamin E is another fat-soluble antioxidant that plays a crucial role in protecting our cells from damage caused by free radicals. It works by neutralizing lipid peroxyl radicals that attack cell membranes and cause them to break down. Vitamin E has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties as well as being beneficial for skin health.

Vitamin C is one of the most well-known water-soluble antioxidants. It plays a crucial role in boosting our immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells that fight infections and diseases. Vitamin C also helps protect against oxidative stress caused by pollution, stress, or unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

Glutathione is perhaps less well-known than some of the other antioxidants on this list but it is no less important. Glutathione acts as a detoxifier within the body by binding with toxins and heavy metals so they can be eliminated safely through urine or feces rather than causing damage within our cells. Glutathione levels decline naturally with age but there are ways to boost them through diet or supplementation.

Finally, Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is unique among this group because it is both fat-soluble AND water-soluble which means it can work throughout every cell in the body. ALA helps to regenerate other antioxidants within the body such as Vitamin C and Glutathione which means they can continue to do their job of neutralizing free radicals for longer.

So how can you get more of these network antioxidants into your diet? The answer is through a variety of foods and supplements. Some of the best food sources for CoQ-10 include fatty fish such as salmon or mackerel, organ meats like liver or kidney, and nuts and seeds like peanuts or sesame seeds. Vitamin E is found in high amounts in nuts and seeds such as almonds, sunflower seeds, and hazelnuts as well as leafy greens like spinach or kale.

Vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, or grapefruit but also in other fruits such as kiwi fruit, strawberries, papaya, and pineapple. Glutathione can be found naturally in foods such as avocados, broccoli, garlic bulbs but it’s also available through supplementation using precursors that boost its production within your body.

Supplementation is another effective way to ensure you are getting enough network antioxidants into your diet. A daily multivitamin supplement that includes vitamins E & C along with CoQ-10 would be a good place to start if you’re concerned about your antioxidant levels. There are also specific supplements available that contain higher doses of each individual antioxidant if you have a particular health concern that requires targeted support.

In conclusion: our bodies need network antioxidants to keep us healthy both inside and out; by eating a varied diet rich in colorful fruits & vegetables along with lean protein sources we will provide all the necessary nutrients needed for our body’s unique defense mechanisms against oxidative stress caused by free radicals over time; however there may still be gaps we need filling via supplements depending on age/lifestyle factors – always consult with a qualified professional before making any changes!

Boost Your Your Networking Antioxidants for Better Health

Antioxidants are our body’s main defense against the harm brought about by free radicals which contribute to many chronic inflammatory and degenerative problems. They are the root cause of premature aging. Among all the antioxidants, a team of five are acknowledged as Network Antioxidants. This team of both water and fat soluble antioxidants work together to support your cells and operate together to help each other.

When an antioxidant passes an electron to repair a free radical, it actually becomes one, but a benign free radical without the potential to perpetuate the chain reaction. Unfortunately, when they become oxidized, they’re also not able to function effectively. But, what is unique about the network antioxidants is that they have the ability to help to regenerate each other and continue the cycle of searching out and repairing free radicals.

Even though they operate together, the network antioxidants fulfill distinct roles. The fat soluble ones, specifically CoQ-10 and Vitamin E protect the fatty cell membrane and the cell mitochondria, while the water soluble antioxidants, Vitamin C and Glutathione protect the center of the cell. ALA – Alpha Lipoic Acid is unique in that it is both fat and water soluble.

Vitamin C is the link which bridges the fat soluble and water soluble antioxidants in the network and is mainly responsible for rejuvenating Vitamin E when it becomes oxidized.

Vitamin E is closely connected with heart attack prevention, being the only antioxidant that can reach fatty elements of the cell that are not reachable to the rest of the network. It’s truly not a single compound but is instead a collection of fat soluble alcohols. can buy the supplement COQ10 which is usually found in all your cells, where it is concentrated in the mitochondria, the component of your cell that creates energy. Mitochondria are vulnerable to free radical injury which has been connected to a loss of energy as we age. Additionally, CoQ-10 works in the regeneration of Vitamins C, E and Glutathione

Glutathione, properly regarded as the Body’s Master antioxidant is continually circulating through your cells, revitalizing your immune cells and cleansing cellular waste from your body. It supports the rejuvenation of all of the other network antioxidants. Raising your glutathione levels helps protect you from various inflammatory conditions, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma and others.

ALA is unique amongst the Network Antioxidants in that it is both water and fat soluable and can benefit both the fatty membrane and water based interior of the cells. It is also uniquely capable of repairing itself and importantly can regenerate the other network antioxidants including glutathione. It helps to avert muscle damage during vigorous workouts.

Like glutathione and CoEnzyme Q-10, ALA is made by your body, but the production capacity falls off appreciably as we age

Alpha Lipoic Acid – Worth Reading

Available in each cell of your body – very much like glutatione – alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is an antioxidant that helps your cells transform glucose into energy. Different from antioxidants like Vitamin C which can exclusively work in water or vitamin E which only works in fat , ALA functions in both water and fat. It functions everywhere in your body. Like other antioxidants, ALA helps clear free radicals -metabolic waste – from your cells before they become junked up and toxic from a build up of waste. As opposed to many other antioxidants, ALA has the ability to help to revive other antioxidants after they have cleared out the odd electrons and renders them ready to continue to neutralize more free radicals.

ALA is also used as a short form for Alpha Linolenic Acid which is an omega-3 fatty acid, connected with heart health, but this is a different substance from Alpha lipoic acid – also referred to as Lipoic Acid.
Several studies have indicated that ALA may be able to help reduce levels of blood sugar and combined with it’s antioxidant properties, ALA could possibly be beneficial to people suffering from diabetic peripheral neuropathy, relieving some of the discomfort brought about by nerve damage.

Scientists are studying alpha lipoic acid to determine its effectiveness against glaucoma although they are yet to collect enough data, but because it can pass easily to the brain, it is possible that ALA may well be useful as a protector against brain and nerve tissue damage. It is now being studied as a possible treatment for stroke and other brain problems with root causes based on free radical damage. Dementia is one such condition.

ALA is an ingredient in Cellgevity where it contributes to the regeneration of the network antioxidants and supports the glutathione network.

Why Your Brain Needs Antioxidant Protection

From your first day to your last and for each microsecond in between , there is a battle raging in each system in your body .  There are easily millions of these battles happening simultaneously and they have oxyradicals on one hand and antioxidants opposing them . These batttles affect how long you live , your vulnerability to many different medical conditions and without question the quality of your life and health as a senior citizen .

A human brain is highly vulnerable to oxidative stress because while it only accounts for about 2% of your mass of your body , about 20% of the oxygen you take in is required by your brain.  Oxy or free radicals – unstable oxygen molecules are created by by a variety of things , but a major  cause is a natural and unavoidable by-product of metabolizing oxygen . Since twenty percent of your oxygen supply goes to your brain, it stands to reason that your brain will be subjected to a high number of free radicals.

In your mind is a major concentration of naturally occurring molecules called Lipids. Lipids include sterols, waxes, fats and a seletion of fat soluble vitamins like D, A, E and K. Lipids act as signaling molecules and are uses for energy storage and are structural components of your cell membranes.  Lipid peroxidation is the name given to free radical Lipid damage and a reason for the importance of antioxidant supplements .

Your defense from Lipid peroxidation in your brain is from antioxidants and in particular a small subset known as Network Antioxidants or the Antioxidant Network ,  made up of Vitamins E, C CoEnzymeQ10, Lipolic acid and Glutathione.  Network Antioxidants work together to clean up free radicals in the brain and they are uniquely able to repair the others in the group .  Among the Network Antioxidants, the most important is Glutathione laso known as The Master Antioxidant. Glutathione is naturally manufactured in your body and are present in each and every cell.

Sadly , your brain maintains lower levels of   Glutathione than other parts of your body and with aging , the natural supply is even less because the ability to make Glutathione falls by around 10% for every decade after our twenties.  But a brain must have Glutathione to be healthy.  Think about the role that Antioxidants play in connection with Alzheimer’s Disease – also known as senile dementia.

There is a powerful link between aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease . In a study conducted in 2009 on laboratory rats , two equal groups were deliberately given aluminum toxins, but group was also dosed with antioxidant oxyradicals scavengers.  Group one experienced a significant increase in lipid peroxidation and developed oxidative stress – which is the result of rampant free radical damage.  Reduced glutathione and other network antioxidants were also recorded . For the group that was provided with the toxins and the free radical scavengers, none of these changes were found .

With the brain’s vulnerability to the formation of lipid peroxides a plentiful store of antioxidants ( in particular Network Antioxidants and most specifically , the master antioxidant Glutathione) is key to having a healthy and functioning brain. While oral glutathione supplements are not considered to be effective, you can take a glutathione precursor like Cellgevity from Max International .

MSM and Pain Relief

Are you plagued with pain? A ballot conducted by ABC News, USA Today, and Stanford Medicalexposed that roughly half of Americans suffer from continual or recurrent discomfort. There are many options for pain relief.

Nearly each and every adult experiences some form of discomfort from time to time. Commonly, chronic pain is described as pain that lasts longer than 3 months and recurrent discomfort comes and goes. Acute pain is pain that is short term or damage related. The individuals in the survey categorized their discomfort as follows: acute – 44 %, recurrent – 34 percent, and persistent – 19 percent.

Of the men and women encountering discomfort, nearly half didn’t know what brought it. When questioned regarding the impact their discomfort had on day-to-day activities, 43 percent indicated it affected their mood and 39 % indicated it hindered sleep.

The remedies individuals used to ease their pain varied greatly. More than fifty percent (63 %) indicated they had consulted a health care expert concerning their pain. Of those, only 59 percent felt they had achieved any significant discomfort reduction as a result of the visit. Yet another fascinating element that came out of the study was the techniques people used for discomfort aid. Here’s a listing of the top reduction strategies:

• over-the-counter prescription drugs – 84%
• home treatments – 81%
• health professional prescribed prescription drugs – 60%
• bed relaxation – 58%
• prayer – 58%
• chiropractic – 28%
• massage – 28%

For the people that utilised health professional prescribed medications, 19 percent indicated they needed them every day. For over-the-counter medicines, 33 % utilized them every day or at minimum once a week.

In 1997, Dr. Norman J. Marcus, director of the New York Discomfort Treatment Plan authored a document in which he said that pain had attained epidemic proportions in America. In this review, Dr Marcus states, too manyindividuals suffer from a form of pain each year, costing a significant toll on their productiveness in the office and their capacity to take care of their tasks at home.

Billions of dollars are spent every single calendar year on prescription and over-the-counter drugs. But prescription drugs don’t cure disease, they basically mask signs and symptoms  as an alternativeto  responding to the fundamental reason of the discomfort. When you get a headache, it is not because you have an aspirin deficiency. Many of the medicines approved these days have significant side effects.. For example, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory prescription drugs are usually applied to relieve osteoarthritis discomfort, but they additionally tend to deteriorate joint tissue. A number of medicines may have value for healing injuries and acute illness, but they are still biochemical outsiders to the body and tend to deplete nutrients, such as nutritional vitamins and minerals.  On the other hand, well known supplements like Glucosamine and Chondroitin can assist with the improvement of joint mobility and pain relief without the usual list of side effects.

Increasing your glutathione a natural antioxidant which we make ourselves using a supplement like Cellgevity  can also address some forms of pain caused by inflammation

In non-injury cases, pain commonly indicates that one or more of the system’s systems are out of balance. Identifying the trigger(s) for the imbalance and correcting it with proper nutrition (which includes natural supplements), physical exercise, rest, and life style modifications can present a much better long-term solution. One supplement that can play an crucial role in helping to bring the system back into stability is Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM).

MaxGXL with NAC or Cellgevity with RiboCeine – You Choose

A very exciting health supplement has been brought to market to support your own production of glutathione.  In case you haven’t heard of Glutathione, it provides a number of important benefits to your health including strengthening the immune system, cleaning toxic substances from your cells , helping to combat inflammation and neutralizing free radicals.

Free radicals are an important subject because the damage that free radicals cause in your body has been connected to over 74 serious illnesses and disorders and the main weapon we can call on to help prevent the damage caused by oxidative stress is Antioxidants.  Antioxidants are molecules that can stop the multiplication of free radicals, which left unchecked can lead to an endless chain reaction of incomplete molecules that eventually destroy the cells and the organs in your body .  With the many antioxidants available to us , one does a superior job of defending your cells against the damage caused by free radicals and that antioxidant is Glutathione.

Glutathione is naturally produced in your body. Unfortunately , aging slows the creation of glutathione and -when you need it most, your Glutathione levels decline .  It would be an easy thing to correct if you could just supplement with glutathione , but that is not the case .  Oral glutathione supplements are not effective , because as they pass through the digestive tract , the glutathione is damaged by your gastric juices and can’t be absorbed into the bloodstream.

The strategy that actually works is using glutathione precursors. Precursors are the building blocks that your body uses to manufacture glutathione naturally .  By supplying your body with an increased supply of the raw materials it needs , serum and liver glutathione levels are raised naturally – and significantly .  Up until now the most effective product that I know of to support glutathione levels is MAXGXL from Max International. But now it appears that this company has taken it one step better and developed a new Glutathione precursor called Cellgevity.

MaxONE has a new compound called RiboCeine,  and it has been featured prominently in connection with MAX ATP (I’ll write about ATP later ). RiboCeine gets the name from D-Ribose – a very basic version of sugar that helps the body produce ATP and L-Cysteine, perhaps the most important materials from which the body manufactures glutathione. While MAXGXL uses a blend of L Glutamine and NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine), MAXONE also uses RiboCeine, because it is better able to protect the Cysteine as it travels through the stomach and deliver more to the cells, resulting in 300% higher liver glutathione levels .

Vitamins E & D3, Alma Fruit,Glutathione – Immune System Boosters

As is the case most other things your immune responses weaken with age ,so you might want to think about taking natural immune boosters that can support this important function .

One such supplement is Vitamin E.  Based on some research from the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, found at Tufts University in Boston , Vitamin E may prevent part of the immune system from declining with age .  The research ran with seventy eight healthy seniors , aged sixty-five plus and it found that 200 mg of Vitamin E every day for a period of 4 months triggered more antibody production in response to tetanus and hepatitis B vaccines .

Vitamin E can support the immune response by initiating extra production of our killer cells that destroy germs and cancerous cells. In addition to that , your B-cells,  the immune cells that create bacteria killing antibodies are stimulated in the presence of Vitamin E.  Another interesting thng – in a study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health using Vitamin E supplements was shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks by 50% .

Vitamin D3 the one made in skin after exposure to the suns ultraviolet light is also an immune system booster .

A new natural health product with immune system boosters called AIO- Premium Cellular Health also has Alma fruit – which I had never heard of until now .  Alma fruit, or the Indian gooseberry is also an exceptional source of Vitamin C with 30 times as much as you’ll find in oranges.  Alma fruit grows naturally in plains and mountain areas of the Indian Subcontinent and grows anywhere from Afghanistan to Burma .

Ongoing research is showing that Alma fruit could help to treat and/or avoid problems like stress, cataracts , hay fever, arthritis and even cancer.  It’s no surprise that the Indian and Tibetan healers consider it to have special immune enhancing and anti-aging properties .

Japanese researchers at Nagasaki University found that extracts from alma fruit prevent the growth of cancerous cells, with the cells in the uterous, stomach and skin showing the most pronounced effect.  Alma fruit is a very concentrated source of antioxidants. The active immune booster found in Alma is called phyllemblin and it stimulates an increased creation of immune cells.

Each body comes with lots of antioxidant based defensive abilities , but inside cells a little protein called glutathione is critical . Glutathione is needed for the proper functioning of immune cells, to defend us from bacterial and viral infections. Among those with immune deficiency, glutathione concentrations are shown to be very low in blood and immune cells. When they can supplement glutathione levels to those found in healthy humans is likely to help immune deficient patients .

Cellgevity, Glutathione and Chronic Pain

Chronic pain – defined – is recurrent and long lasting .  It can continue for months or- as is often the case – for years.  Chronic pain isn’t the the immediate pain you feel when you’re injured . The fact is that if you severely twist an ankle when you’re out running , it’s going to hurt the for a while .  Pain is your body’s way of alerting you that something’s physically wrong. For most sprains and twists , the pain you feel the next day is from the inflammation caused in the cells .

In that sense , the immediate pain and chronic pain have something in common . That commonality   is inflammation.  Inflammation is frequently common chronic condition that lots of people suffer from even if we aren’t aware of it. But if the result of the inflammation is pain, we notice it .

Inflammation is often caused by the chain reaction of free radical damage in our cells.  One explanation for the unchecked damage is a shortage of enough antioxidants in the body to clear out the free radicals.  There are many reasons for free radicals and many types of antioxidants that can deal with them, but not all of them are equally useful and one of the most useful is an antioxidant called glutathione .
Glutathione is frequently called the body’s Master Antioxidant because it’s present in each cell of the body.  Since it’s everywhere , glutathione is beautifully adapted to remove free radicals everywhere .  Unfortunately , as we get older we manufacture decreasing amounts of the Master Antioxidant .

So my point is , one thing you can do – which has worked for people afflicted with chronic pain is to boost the qualtity of antioxidants in your body so that you can eliminate the free radicals and treat the inflammation.  Try increasing your levels of Vitamins E and C . Add more fresh vegetables and fruit to your diet and to enhance your  glutathione production you can take Cellgevity.  Try Cellgevity instead of a Glutathione supplement.

Some Words About Glutathione

Do you need to learn more about heart disease, pain, liver disorders, male infertility, Cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s, inflammatory diseases or are you concerned about your aging body? If so, you’ll be well advised to do a little bit of research on antioxidants  and of all the antioxidants you can look into, you should learn more about Glutathione.

Glutathione, a small molecule in the body, is formed by three amino acids. The product of these amino acids exists in every cell in your body. But, it can only  be produced by your body. Glutathione is vital to your immune system. It aids in the production of lymphocytes, the cells that combat particular diseases and illnesses . These cells produce oxiradicals to protect us from diseases, and to produce them , the body needs more antioxidants. Your body will also, ironically, use antioxidants to get rid of the free oxyradicals .

We can use the food we eat to fuel the creation of the amino acids needed to also manufacture glutathione as well as building it from the acids already there in the cells . There are a variety of  foods to provide the fuel to make glutathione. Watermelon and asparagus are two such foods , as are many other fresh vegetables, fruits, and  meat . Whey protein is also a good source . Oral glutathione supplements are not usually absorbed into our systems. That’s a shame, since our ability to manufacturer glutathione declines dramatically after our twenties. Glutathione precursors like Cellgevity on the other hand, will help our body boost Glutathione production.

It’s important to note that Cellgevity as a precursor does not contain Glutathione.  It contains other substances that your body uses to help it manufacture more glutathione on it’s own.

Glutathione has earned it’s reputation as the Master antioxidant. It will also help our body make repairs caused by infection, radiation treatments, stress, injury, poor diet, and even burns and trauma . Antioxidants remove free radicals. This keeps our cells working as they should . Glutathione also aids the liver to remove foreign chemicals and other pollutants . As a matter of fact, most glutathione is manufacturered in your liver.

Who should look at increasing the amount of glutathione  or supplementing with Cellgevity? Anyone who is dealing with high blood pressure, cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s Disease, cataracts, or male infertility issues may benefit from more glutathione. It can also help when recovering from chemotherapy and other radiation treatments. However, it is important to note that studies are still being done on glutathione, and it may not affect everyone in the same way.

Increase your glutathione with Cellgevity

Everyone Wants a Stronger Immune System

Our only natural asset for fighting sickness is our own immune system. We don’t pay enough attention to making it stronger and in fact, only seem to really be interested in our health when it leaves us.  Then we just reach for drugs.  A health approach based on wellness would help us strengthen and support that asset .

Bad diets, too much stress and aging all detract from the strength of our immune systems. Getting older is particularly destructive and sadly , unavoidable . Our cellular and antibody functions slow and chronic inflammation which seems to go hand and hand   with many diseases of old age sets in . Chronic inflammation (think heart disease & rheumatoid arthritis) is also connected to   oxyradicals and the damage they cause at the cellular level . This will come as no surprise to anyone who is an advocate of the importance of antioxidants.

Supporting our immune system by upping our antioxidant levels to help take out the free radicals damaging our cells is a route worth examining . We can do this through our diet and health products like Cellgevity to help increase your glutathione, which could easily be the leading defender against the free radical damaging . We also need to deal with our stress levels and please get up , get some exercise and put the cookies away !

Besides glutathione, there are other antioxidants that are powerful immune system supporters . There are Vitamins E and C along with the B-vitamins, and they’re available as antioxidant supplements. Vitamin A is another one and CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant but as we get older our production of it flags . Minerals that matter to our immune system include copper, zinc and selenium . The Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and flax seed oils have been found to offset suppression of the cellular immune system .

Support a weak immune system with products like RGarden’s Epicor. Improving intestinal health with digestive enzymes is one of your immune system boosters